1. We believe that women move the world and we know that women of color carry its weight.

  2. We believe in self-determination – to define ourselves, to name ourselves, to speak for ourselves, and to build for ourselves in service to our communities.

  3. We believe that in order for the arts, and for the world to progress, the work – our work - must be carried and centered by movement, policies, and actions that combat white supremacist culture.

  4. We believe the power of collective intention and collective action will shift the internal and external conversations about racial equity in the field and move us towards justice.

  5. We believe that the arts are a critical catalyst for change and this is why we consistently pour our time, energy and resources into this work for the betterment of our communities, this nation, and the world.

  6. We believe that the voices, expertise, and experiences of women of color are unique, and therefore, valuable.

  7. We believe that increasing opportunities and widening pathways for women of color to serve in decision-making roles only strengthens the field.

  8. We believe that formal and informal learning opportunities provide necessary information and support to assist women of color in navigating the arts landscape and bolstering their health and wealth.

  9. We believe that nurturing relationships with other women of color for both professional and personal support, and, encouraging the development and presence of the whole woman ensures that our members continue to be a vibrant, contributive constituency.  

  10. We believe that the activation and utilization of the collective resources of our membership not only strengthens our organization, but the field, and largely, the world.

  11. We believe in partnering with individuals and organizations of   intentionality who are equally striving for racial and economic justice

  12. We believe an intergenerational approach is necessary to all things, particularly, in the building of our collective future.

  13. We believe in rest, as women of color can’t carry it all and shouldn’t.

  14. We believe that women of color are the future and the future is NOW.